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Mejores lugares que tienes que visitar durante tus vacaciones en Calpe


Con el bullicio de la vida cotidiana, es necesario buscar un lugar paradisiaco para tomar un descanso y turistear. Si estás buscando el lugar indicado para visitar con familia, amigos o tu pareja, vacaciones en Calpe es todo lo que necesitas. Este mágico municipio se encuentra en la costa Mediterránea de España, y ofrece las mejores vistas de sus aguas hipnotizantes. A pesar de tener una extensión corta, Calpe tiene mucho que ofrecer a los turistas que buscan aventura y descanso.

Sabemos que Calpe está llamando tu atención con sus suaves arenas, sus cielos despejados y sus aguas cristalinas. Sigue leyendo y descubre los 10 lugares en Calpe you can’t miss. Visit them all and fall in love with the Mediterranean coast.

1. Peñón de Ifach

Enmarcando orgullosamente la Costa Blanca de Alicante encontramos nuestra primera atracción imperdible en tus vacaciones en Calpe. Estamos hablando por supuesto del Peñón de Ifach. Esta impactante formación mineral de 332 metros de alto tiene una serena vista del Mar Mediterráneo. El Peñón forma parte de un parque nacional del cual puedes disfrutar tanto en la cima como a sus faldas. Puedes tomar un recorrido de senderismo y para admirar con calma esta gigantesca formación rocosa. Puedes hacer una ruta de escalada. También puedes visitar el Centro de Investigación justo en la subida. Sea cual sea la opción que elijas te aseguramos que tendrás una vista espectacular.

2. Las Salinas

Otro de los lugares más representativos en Calpe son las Salinas. Recibe este nombre un conjunto de varias lagunas enormes de agua salada y una profundidad muy escasa. Su origen eran unas antiguas salinas que se usaban para conservar el pescado. Es curioso para los turistas el hecho de que, si bien estas lagunas se encuentran reposando tranquilamente en medio del bullicio de varios edificios departamentales; sea una zona con un ecosistema tan rico. Las Salinas son el hogar de majestuosas especies de aves tales como las flamencos, las cigüeñas, las garzas y los patos. Esto convierte esta zona en un área natural protegida con un alto valor ecológico. Te recomendamos dejar a un lado tu coche y aprovechar esta parte del recorrido a pie para una mejor experiencia.

3. Los baños de la Reina

The Queen’s Baths are very old vestiges near the port dating from the Roman Empire. Although you can appreciate all kinds of buildings, the ones that most attract the public’s attention are small, grid-shaped pools. These have a short depth and feature canals that allow the entrance of sea water. The Queen’s Baths are the perfect place for children to take a dip. This is because of its stunning view of the Rock of Ifach and its crystalline and calm waters. There are two versions that assure that these buildings were for personal idle use of the queen or perhaps even for relaxation use of all the inhabitants of her villa. Others assure that it used to be a fish farm in its time. Whatever the theory is, it’s a tourist spot you can’t miss.

4. La Cala del Racó

At the foot of the Rock of Ifach we find the Cala del Racó. It is the only beach in the Valencian Community that has a perfectly traced underwater route. It is well known that this cove is perfect for those tourists who enjoy the diving experience on holidays in Calpe. Anyone who wants to appreciate the richness of its marine flora and fauna will be amazed. Submerge and enjoy knowing the species that inhabit the water following the route charted for divers. And if you are one of those who prefer the view from above and to stay dry, there are several places where you can sit and just enjoy the ambiance.



5. El Casco Antiguo

Las vistas marítimas y la deliciosa brisa son de las experiencias más buscadas al tomar vacaciones en Calpe. However, we can’t deny that this place has much more to offer then the water. In the Old Town you will find an impressive historical area dating from the 15th century, and consists of several walls, towers, arches and bridges. Inside this Old Town you can visit different buildings. La Ermita de San Salvador, la Casa de Senyoreta, Fester Museum are some of them. Enjoy also the Church of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, and the beautiful reduced Paso urbano Forat de la Mar. Immerse yourself in the history with each one of these sites and take the whole afternoon to walk at ease feeling the heart of these buildings.

6. La Pobla d’Ifach

This beautiful medieval settlement was built in the 13th century and was under the command of Admiral Roger de Llúria. Among hundreds of vestiges of past civilizations, this is the only one from the time of the conquest that has not been investigated, excavated or transformed in any way. This walled enclosure has a complex entry system, stays, houses and warehouses. Stresses the imposing church dedicated to Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles with its own medieval necropolis. Nowadays the town council together with museums work to restore and investigate this area.

7. Ecological Walk Príncipe de Asturias

Right in the area where we find La Cala del Racó begins a beautiful corridor known as Ecological Walk Príncipe de Asturias. Surrounding the base of the Rock of Ifach this route can take half an hour, where you will enjoy stunning views during vacaciones en Calpe. Discover another point of view of both the Peñón and the southern coast of Calpe: Altea, L’Albir and Benidorm. There is nothing more relaxing than taking a harmonious stroll and stopping to see the Rock in all its splendor. But even more astonishing is to look back and find the penetrating blue of the Mediterranean Sea.

8. Torre Molí del Morelló

Further on Las Salinas, to the side of the Queen’s Baths, we find the impressive Torre Molí del Morelló. With a construction typical of Marina Alta region, this tower in fact was a flour windmill. The Torre Molí del Morelló is an impactful cylindrical building. This one is born from natural soil and was built in the 19th century. Get lost in the architecture of its thick minimalist walls.

9. Termas Romanas

On one side of the Queen’s Baths we can find another impressive site called Romans Baths. With a similar structure in dimensions and shape, the Roman Baths are perfect for sunbathing by the water. If you’re in the mood for a restful morning without leaving town, this is the place. Take your towel, your bathing suit and your sunglasses and prepare to relax in the middle of the history. The Roman baths have an excellent depth to bathe the youngest of the family.

10. Zona Ortodoxa aledaña a Calpe

Although this place is not properly inside Calpe, we could not help but mention it. On the stretch that covers the road between Altea and Calpe you can drive calmly and watch the road. Suddenly you will see a large building with a rather contrasting architecture, it is the Russian Orthodox Church of the Archangel Saint Michael. This area, called Altea Hills, is a luxury urban development created by and for Russian magnates. Various real estate buildings are forming a curious landscape that doesn’t match much with the rest of the city. More than an official attraction for vacaciones en Calpe is a new area that will take you out of the routine, so it’s worth a visit.

Dónde hospedarte en Calpe

Todos los lugares de nuestra lista suenan fabulosos. Pero antes de que te emociones planeando tus vacaciones en Calpe and how you will spend your days, don’t forget the accommodation. With a noble, sunny, warm climate and a distinctive smell of salt, you will not want another thing than to stay by the sea. Of course, as in all the major tourist spots in the world, hotels are a valued option. However, if you want a more personalized experience that puts you in touch with the city, the apartments are your option. One of the best complexes of tourist apartments in Calpe are the Costa Blanca Melior, perfectos para diversas necesidades. Hospédate en el corazón de la ciudad y ten todas las atracciones al alcance de la mano.

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